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C-CoMP Faculty Fellow Program


The Center for the Chemical Currencies of a Microbial Planet (C-CoMP) invites applications for the C-CoMP Faculty Fellow program. The Faculty Fellowship provides one month of salary ($40K, including benefits and institutional indirect costs) during the Oct 1, 2024 - Sept 30, 2025 grant year to support research and networking activities that advance C-CoMP’s mission in a manner consistent with our guiding principles of collaboration coupled with principles of equity and inclusion. C-CoMP promotes a deeper understanding of the chemicals and chemical processes that underpin ocean ecosystems and the global carbon cycle. Our research agenda includes experimental approaches, systems-based modeling from cellular to global scales, data mining and integration strategies, and formal education research. Faculty Fellows are expected to participate in C-CoMP meetings and working groups, and are encouraged to contribute to C-CoMP’s goal to broaden participation in the ocean sciences. For example, Faculty Fellows are eligible to act as hosts for Bridge-to-PhD Fellows.

Up to two new Faculty Fellows will be funded in 2024-25. Faculty Fellows are eligible for a second year of funding by invitation. Awards will be made through a sub-contract to the Fellow’s home institution.


Individuals must have a PhD and be employed at a US-based institution as research- or tenure-track faculty. Researchers currently affiliated with C-CoMP laboratories are not eligible. Postdoctoral researchers are not eligible for this award, but please consider applying for a C-CoMP Postdoctoral Fellowship. C-CoMP is committed to recruiting, retaining, and including individuals with diverse expertise, experiences, and viewpoints.

Application materials

Individuals should provide a curriculum vitae (up to 5 pages) and a research statement (up to 2 pages) that articulates specific complementary benefits of participation to the applicant and C-CoMP. In your research statement, please include 1-2 sentences expressing your commitment to the C-CoMP guiding principles for collaboration. We also request that individuals submit this voluntary self-identification data sheet. Applications will be accepted until July 1, 2024. Fellows will be notified of their appointments in mid-August.

Combine application materials into a single pdf file and email to (CC Sofia Ibarrarán-Viniegra, with the subject line FF2024_lastname.

Review process

Applications will be evaluated by a selection committee using a rubric that considers alignment with C-CoMP’s mission and research agenda, potential for synergy, and significance of the complementary benefits of participation to the applicant and C-CoMP.