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Promoting a mechanistic understanding of the chemical currencies in marine microbial ecosystems in the context of a changing planet and through increased participation in ocean sciences


The Center for Chemical Currencies of a Microbial Planet (C-CoMP) leverages recent advances in analytical and data sciences, incorporates new ocean sampling technologies and an open-science framework, and engages scientists, educators, and policy-makers who bring a diversity of expertise, experiences, and viewpoints to bear on promoting a deeper understanding and appreciation of the chemicals and microbial processes that underpin ocean ecosystems and other microbiomes that affect our daily life.

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#throwback to deploying the CTD rosette from the @rvatlanticexplorer ⚓️. 

In this photo, two people standing on deck hold lines to control the deployment of the CTD rosette over the side of the ship from the A-frame davit. 

This awesome oceanography action shot was captured by Mica Yang during the C-CoMP @biosstation Research Week. 

#fieldworkfriday #ccompresearchweek #bios #rvatlanticexplorer #asthetic #oceanasthetic #bermuda #sargassosea #oceanography #metabolites #fieldwork #deckoperations #actionshot #marinemicrobes #phytoplankton #primaryproduction #teamscience #bridge2phd #nsffunded #scienceandtechnology
The marine chemical-microbial network is busy processing organic matter from photosynthesis during the day ☀️, but what happens at night ✨?

A recent C-CoMP contribution from Dr. Rogier Braakman and colleagues explores a component of this question in their article: Global niche partitioning of purine and pyrimidine cross-feeding among ocean microbes. 

Link to article:

Photo by @el_viaje_de_xavi

#fieldworkfriday #milkyway #milkyway_nightscapes #oceanasthetic #oceanography #metabolites #diel #network #marinemicrobes #phytoplankton #photosynthesis #primaryproduction #teamscience #nsf #nsffunded #scienceandtechnology

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C-CoMP Fellowships

C-CoMP Institutions are depicted in the map above.

Award Information and Disclaimer


C-CoMP is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center (Award # 2019589) that is based at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this website are those of C-CoMP and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.