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Open Science

Open Science Policy

Open science is a central focus of C-CoMP, representing our most effective avenue for transferring knowledge to stakeholders and forming policy partnerships.

C-CoMP formally adopted the first version of our Open Science Policy (v1) at C-CoMP's first in-person meeting in October 2022 after several rounds of drafting and feedback solicitation with all Center members. You can learn more about the process of drafting this policy, by reading our blog post: Developing C-CoMP's Open Science Framework. The policy outlines our values, community vision, and a comprehensive plan for adhering to open science commitments throughout the data life cycle. We will re-visit and revise this policy as needed as the Center ages.

C-CoMP Data Roadmap

The C-CoMP Data Roadmap provides an overview of the data life cycle from initial study ideation through data deposition. The roadmap is divided into two phases. Phase 1 (blue circles) includes study ideation, planning, data generation, and curation (applicable to certain data streams). Phase 2 (green boxes) includes repository submissions and data analyses. Please visit the C-CoMP Data Management Handbook for a detailed description of each phase. 

Figure flow chart outlining ordered instructions for how to deposit data in the context of the research life cycle; a detailed, step-by-step description is provided in the C-CoMP Data Management Handbook.
The C-CoMP Data Roadmap gives an overview of the data life cycle from initial study ideation through data deposition.

C-CoMP Data Management Handbook

The "living" C-CoMP Data Management Handbook was developed to implement the C-CoMP Open Science Policy and to provide efficient, data stream dependent instructions for storing, organizing, naming, and submitting data to publicly accessible repositories. We strive to keep it updated over time and you can view the contents of the Data Management Handbook as a GitBook. 

We are sharing this handbook as a community resource to:

  • Describe C-CoMP's data management and open science efforts
  • Guide other efforts to support interdisciplinary data management and sharing
If you find this handbook useful or have questions/feedback, please let us know by sending an email to Laura Gray (, C-CoMP's Digital Coordinator.