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Post-baccalaureate Transitions to Graduate School

Applications for the 2024-2026 C-CoMP Bridge-to-PhD Fellowships are now closed.

Bridge-to-PhD fellowship program (B2P)


Program Details

Our Bridge-to-PhD Fellowship program supports the transition of individuals with undergraduate degrees and an interest in research careers in ocean science into rigorous, research-based MS and PhD programs. 

B2P advances C-CoMP’s goal of broadening participation in the ocean science research workforce by affording cohorts of Fellows opportunities to explore their research interests, gain technical knowledge and skills, and engage in interdisciplinary, collaborative work before they commit to entering into a masters or PhD program. All of our efforts are consistent with our mission to bring a wide variety of expertise, experiences, and viewpoints to bear on promoting a deeper understanding and appreciation of the chemical and microbial processes that govern ocean ecosystems and other microbiomes that affect our daily life.

The 2-year, paid fellowship program provides sufficient time for Fellows to establish core competencies in their fields while benefiting from tailored mentoring and professional development. 

B2P Fellows join C-CoMP research groups, matching their scientific interests with C-CoMP faculty research interests. They work in science disciplines ranging from marine chemistry to microbial ecology to data science and carry out research aligned with the interdisciplinary science objectives of the Center. 

B2P Fellows are mentored locally by members of their research groups and broadly by members of the wider C-CoMP community, including the graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, technical staff, and faculty from a wide range of scientific disciplines who work with them on C-CoMP research projects. They engage in professional development activities, including building knowledge and skills that can be applied to writing applications for fellowships and graduate programs, conducting research ethically, and communicating science. 

B2P Fellows attend C-CoMP research meetings, collaborate in C-CoMP outreach and education activities, present research at C-CoMP and national meetings, and participate in a research program at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (ASU-BIOS).

Each year, 4-5 new B2P Fellows are selected from the pool of applicants and matched with mentors and labs based on mutual interests as well as each applicant’s goals and needs.

Application Materials

  • Cover Page
  • Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)
    • A C.V. summarizes your education, academic accomplishments, research experience(s), extracurricular activities, employment experience, and special qualifications and accomplishments. Check out tips for composing C.V.s here and here. There may also be resources at your school or in your neighborhood you can access for support in preparing your C.V.
  • Statement of Interest
    • A statement of interest addresses why you want to join the program. Please prepare a statement that answers the questions below. Your statement should be 1.5-2 pages long, single-spaced, and in 12-point font.
      • Why are you interested in studying the ocean? Give one or two specific reasons why ocean-related research appeals to you.
      • What are your long-term education and career goals and how does doing ocean-related research relate to your goals?
      • Do you have any prior research experience? If so, please describe it. If not, why do you want to learn to do research?
      • Who among the C-CoMP faculty is doing research that interests you? How do your research interests align with theirs?
  • Transcripts: Unofficial transcripts are acceptable for your application. If you are accepted into the program, we will ask you to submit your official transcripts.

Combine application materials into a single pdf file (combine PDF pages together for free here) and email to with the subject line B2P2024_your last name. Applications will be accepted until April 24, 2024. Fellows will be notified of their appointments in May, 2024.

  • References
    • Two letters of recommendation (from research mentors or academic instructors)
      • Check out tips for requesting recommendation letters here and here.
    • Be sure to give your letter writers ample notice of your intent to apply to this program so they can submit their letters when you submit your application. Letters must be emailed directly by letter writers to the following email: with the subject line "B2P2024_ref_your last name".

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Who is eligible?

Applicants must have:

  • a four-year degree from an accredited college or university as of July 1st, 2024
  • a minimum GPA of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale
  • a desire to apply to PhD programs within two years of beginning B2P
  • U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status at the time of application

2. How long is the B2P Fellowship?

Funding is provided for a two-year period (see timeline figure below).

3. Why is B2P unique?

  • Fellows work on C-CoMP research in a professional, interdisciplinary academic context
  • Fellows are positioned in the Center as both scientists and educators and assume both roles when interacting with Center members
  • Fellows are appointed at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), but can be trained at any of the C-CoMP labs
  • Fellows receive mentoring support and professional development on grant proposal writing, research ethics, and science communication
  • Fellows are appointed as a cohort and participate in the C-CoMP activities that build a sense of community, such as the C-CoMP annual meeting, virtual networking, research exchanges, outreach events, and more
  • Fellows are non-degree seeking

4. What is the salary?

Fellowships will cover salary ($41,000 per year), travel and supplies ($3,000 per year), and health and wellness funds ($6,000 per year). All payments are made directly to the Fellow as an electronic funds transfer into a personal account at a U.S. financial institution.

5. How can the health and wellness funds be used? 

Fellows are not eligible for enrollment in the WHOI health insurance group plans. If you are not already getting insurance through a spouse/partner/family member, then you will need to purchase your own medical insurance coverage. The fellowship includes a health and wellness allowance of $6,000 per year. This allowance is intended to offset health insurance and other wellness expenses. Suggested coverage should include ambulatory care, emergency services, hospital coverage, mental health counseling, prescription drug benefits, rehabilitative coverage, laboratory services, and preventative services including chronic disease management. Allowable costs include health insurance (any combination of medical, vision, and/or dental) whether purchased as a group or individual plan, disability insurance, retirement savings, and dependent care expenses. The Fellow should keep records to document expenditures.

6. How can the supplies funds be used? 

The fellowship includes a research allowance of $3,000 per year. This allowance is intended to cover research- and training-related costs. Allowable research and training costs include travel, such as short-term visits to other institutions or laboratories, fieldwork, attendance at scientific meetings, training, special equipment, IT equipment and software, supplies, publication costs, access fees for databases, and other research-related expenses. The Fellow will be reimbursed and should keep records to document expenditures. 

7. What is the application timeline?

Applications will be accepted until April 24, 2024. Fellows will be notified of their appointments in May, 2024.

8. What happens if I am selected?

Appointed fellows must submit an official transcript and begin to work with their mentor to discuss a project and plans for joining their lab. The B2P Fellowship begins September 1, 2024.

9. Who is available to answer questions regarding my application?

For issues with application submission or access to application materials, contact Victoria Centurino (

B2P Timeline

C-CoMP Bridge-to-PhD timeline; a detailed description is provided in the figure caption.
The timeline for C-CoMP's Bridge-to-PhD program is presented in the figure above. B2P fellows will begin their fellowships in early fall of the first year and end their fellowships at the end of summer of the second year. During the fellowship, fellows will conduct research, attend profesisonal development meetings, apply to graduate programs, and network within the scientific community to explore career paths, among other activities.